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Tinichigiu auto

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  • Hirdetés címe : Tinichigiu auto
  • Az ország : Romania
  • Helység : Oradea
  • Osztály: Personal Calificat
  • Ipar: Auto & Masini
  • Tipp munka : Full time
  • Tanulmányok : Liceu
  • telephone: +40742565886
  • Email :
  • Nézetek: 2355

Recrutam TINICHIGIU AUTO pentru clientul nostru din Oradea, un service auto cu experienta de peste 16 ani în domeniu.

- Experiență anterioară în domeniul tinichigeriei auto;
- Disponibilitatea la relocare;
- Atenție la detalii și abilități de problem-solving;
- Capacitatea de a lucra eficient în echipă;
- Pasiune pentru domeniul auto și dorința de a învăța și de a se dezvolta.

- Efectuarea reparațiilor și întreținerii caroseriei auto;
- Redresarea și înlocuirea panourilor de caroserie;
- Utilizarea tehnicilor și echipamentelor specifice pentru a asigura finisaje de calitate.

- Mediu de lucru modern cu echipamente de ultimă generație;
- Oportunități de dezvoltare profesională;
- Echipa prietenoasă și suportivă;
- Salariu negociabil in functie de experienta;
- Program de lucu de luni-vineri, 08-17.

You still haven't found your property? Enter your requirements below!


Jelenleg az ingatlaniroda Nagyváradon és a fővárosban, Bukarestben is működik.

Társaságok alapítása

A Gaminvest Business Startup osztály cégalapítási szolgáltatásokat nyújt Nagyváradon, Biharban és Bukarestben


Küldjön el mindent nekünk, és mi távol tartjuk a könyvelését, bárhol is legyen.

A személyzet toborzása

A Gaminvest HR toborzási és elhelyezési szolgáltatásokat kínál Romániában és külföldön




Complete Lending and financing solutions for individuals and companies, through partner banks in Romania, with 0%

Miért válassza a Gaminvest?

Ezért ajánlanak minket a szolgáltatási piacon .

I nostri parametri di riferimento delle prestazioni degli standard professionali

Honesty and transparency towards all parties involved. Gaminvest has enjoyed an excellent reputation over the years and a constant increase in the number of served and satisfied clients. We respect the principles of ethics and confidentiality, representing the interests of our clients.

We stand out through a diverse range of high-quality services, being recognized for the high standards we have, the attention to detail and the extraordinary results obtained for our clients!

Trained and certified staff

Our team includes expert accountants and specialized professional real estate agents who are certified and receive ongoing training in their field of activity in Oradea, Romania

Foto Gallery - discover our office departments

We invite you to a visual tour of our office to discover the atmosphere and get to know us better!

Utoljára hozzáadott tulajdonságok

Kövesse a legfrissebb híreket, és válassza ki az Önnek megfelelő ingatlant


Hire me! Here are the candidate profiles available for your company!

Exkluzív ingatlan

Alább megtalálja az ingatlan ajánlatok exkluzív Gaminvest képviselete.

Népszerű ajánlatok

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Hírek, sajtóközlemények

Legyen naprakész az üzleti piac, az ingatlan és a könyvelés híreivel! Iratkozz fel!