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Personnel research, selection and recruitment in Romania

Recruiment, Research and Selection of personnel, human resources and personnel administration in Romania. At Gaminvest HR we find staff for your company

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Gaminvest HR offers recruitment and placement services in Romania and abroad

For companies in Romania, small and medium enterprises and large companies, we offer:

  • Personnel recruitment and selection services
  • ASIA personal placement service
  • Personal leasing service - supply - temporary work

5 reasons to work with a recruitment agency:

1. We already have a database with numerous candidates, organized by categories, skills, studies, etc.

2. We save your time! You can use this time to do business!

3. We negotiate on your behalf with future employees the conditions you would like to impose

4. We consult you in defining the ideal employee profile and completing the job description

5. We use our recruitment experience to select the right people.

For medium and large companies

We were recruiting and placing staff from ASIA.

We have two options:


Personal leasing variant


Direct employment on your company


Get a recruitment and placement offer from abroad from Gaminvest HR



Advantages of hiring staff in Asia:
  • The major advantage of hiring an Asian worker is that he has a work permit from the authorities to work only in your company.
  • Amortization of expenses with the selection and recruitment processes by signing contracts for a period of at least 2 years
  • Decrease in salary expenses. The salary offered to an Asian worker is the minimum in the economy
  • Increased productivity - have high efficiency during the program and are willing to work overtime
  • Qualification in various fields such as HoReCa, production, construction, agriculture, textile industry, etc.
Qualities of staff in Asia
  • They are very disciplined and respect authority (a trait specific to Asian cultures)
  • I know English, I am a pacifist and I do not consume alcohol, I integrate easily.
  • They are dedicated to employers and punctual at work


Crina Mihuta - Manager HR

Crina is an associate & HR manager at Gaminvest HR, a positive person, sociable and always with a smile on her face.

Although she has a few years of experience behind her and a master's degree in Recruitment and HR, this field involves continuous learning and development, and Crina is always development-oriented and attentive to her performance.

"I was always attracted by the idea of getting in touch with people, of listening to them and especially the desire to know them more closely, which is why I chose to work in the field of staff recruitment.


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Real Estate

Currently, the real estate agency operates both in Oradea and in the capital, in Bucharest.

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Staff recruitment

Gaminvest HR offers recruitment and placement services in Romania and abroad

Why choose Gaminvest?

Here's what we recommend in the service market: .

Standarde profesionale

Onestitate și transparență față de toate părțile implicare. Gaminvest se bucura de o reputație excelentă de-alungul anilor și un o creștere constantă a numărului de clienți deserviți și multumiți. Respectăm principii de etică și confidențialitate, reprezentând interesele clienților noștri.

Experiență și expertiză

Cu o prezență constantă pe piața imobiliară din Oradea și în sectorul serviciilor precum înființare firme, contabilitate, recrutare și altele, Grupul Gaminvest este o companie inovatoare cu reputație solidă în Oradea, Bihor și în întreaga țară.

Servicii profesionale

Ne remarcam printr-o gamă variată de servicii de înaltă calitate, fiind recunoscuți pentru standardele ridicate pe care le avem, atenția la detalii și rezultatele extraordinare obținute pentru clienții noștri!

Personal instruit și certificat

Echipa noastră cuprinde contabili experți și agenți imobiliari profesioniști specializați care sunt certificați și beneficiază de instruire continuă în domeniul lor de activitate.

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Recruiment, Research and Selection of personnel, human resources and personnel administration in Romania. At Gaminvest HR we find staff for your company

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