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Incorporation companies LLC services in Oradea, Romania

Incorporation companies services, LLC formation and consulting company in Oradea, western part of Romania

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Company founding / Incorporation - Gaminvest

Incorporation company in Oradea, Bihor country, Romania
Company formation in Romania - Create A Company In Romania

Find us with central office at Oradea city, North-Western part of Romania. If you are looking for a company to develop a business and company formantion from begining, you are on the right page!

Our company provide services of LTD incorporation, LTE incorporation company in Oradea city, register name, renting office point and many other aditional services useful when start a new business.

As you know, setting up a company inrepresents a key step in developing a business. Therefore, errors resulted after improper documentation preparation required for the creation of a company may cause next difficulties or financial losses. Following our services, beside the fact that save time and money, you will also have the certainty of being chosen most suitable solution, in terms of legal and tax.

- Drafting documentation of incorporation of the company;
- Drafting statute;
- Reservation the name of the company
- Producing the administrator and membership statements
- Legalization of documents
- Also prepare the documents of request and issuance of the certificate of registered used as office space
- Writing the document for holding office (if you do not have a space reserved for headquarters, our company can engage in finding one)
- Submission of bank capital
- Submission of documents at the Trade Registry
- Representation front of the judge appointed by the Trade Register Bihor, Oradea to obtain the certificate of registrationGetting the registration certificate
- Company registration VAT and Register of Intracomunity Operators.


Program to stimulate creation and development of micro-enterprises by young people in Oradea, Romania


Established companyes


National clients


International Clients

NEW! We offer advice and redaction all the necessary documentation for participation in the program to stimulate creation and development of micro-enterprises by young entrepreneurs.


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Expert accountant


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Real Estate

Currently, the real estate agency operates both in Oradea and in the capital, in Bucharest.

Companies incorporation

Incorporation company in Oradea, Bihor country and Bucharest, Romania Company formation in Romania - Create A Company In Romania


Accounting & Bookeeping services in Oradea, Romania provided by our authorised department Gaminvest Excont lead by experts

Staff recruitment

Gaminvest HR offers recruitment and placement services in Romania and abroad

Why choose Gaminvest?

Here's what we recommend in the service market: .

Standarde profesionale

Onestitate și transparență față de toate părțile implicare. Gaminvest se bucura de o reputație excelentă de-alungul anilor și un o creștere constantă a numărului de clienți deserviți și multumiți. Respectăm principii de etică și confidențialitate, reprezentând interesele clienților noștri.

Experiență și expertiză

Cu o prezență constantă pe piața imobiliară din Oradea și în sectorul serviciilor precum înființare firme, contabilitate, recrutare și altele, Grupul Gaminvest este o companie inovatoare cu reputație solidă în Oradea, Bihor și în întreaga țară.

Servicii profesionale

Ne remarcam printr-o gamă variată de servicii de înaltă calitate, fiind recunoscuți pentru standardele ridicate pe care le avem, atenția la detalii și rezultatele extraordinare obținute pentru clienții noștri!

Personal instruit și certificat

Echipa noastră cuprinde contabili experți și agenți imobiliari profesioniști specializați care sunt certificați și beneficiază de instruire continuă în domeniul lor de activitate.

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Incorporation companies services, LLC formation and consulting company in Oradea, western part of Romania

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